
作者:Kang KY, et al 翻譯:北醫三院李常虹 來源:中國風濕病公眾論壇 日期:18-04-09




        結果:在axSpA組,共納入了248例患者;同時在對照組納入了同等數目以及年齡和性別相匹配的正常人群。對照組和axSpA組TBS評分分別為1.43和1.38(P < 0.001)。兩組間腰椎BMD檢查未見明顯異常。TBS評分僅與axSpA患者的ESR、CRP成負相關。axSpA組韌帶骨化與低TBS相關,但腰椎BMD水平高於對照組。多因素分析顯示ESR、CRP和脊柱影像學進展與TBS顯著相關。



        Objectives:To compare the trabecular bone score (TBS) between patients with axial spondyloarthritis (axSpA) and matched normal controls and identify risk factors associated with a low TBS.

        Methods:TBS and BMD were assessed in the two groups (axSpA and control) using DXA. Osteoporosis risk factors and inflammatory markers were also assessed. Disease activity and radiographic progression in the sacroiliac joint and spinewere evaluated in the axSpA group. Multivariate linear regression analysis was performed to identify risk factors associated with TBS.

        Results:In the axSpA group, 248 subjects were enrolled; an equalnumber of age- and sex-matched subjects comprised the control group. The mean TBS was 1.43 (0.08) and 1.38 (0.12) in the control and axSpA groups, respectively (P < 0.001); BMD at the lumbar spine did not differ between the two groups. The TBS was negatively correlated with ESR and CRP levels in the axSpA group only (P < 0.001 and P = 0.007,respectively). Syndesmophytes in the axSpA group was associated with lower TBS(P < 0.001) but higher lumbar BMD (P = 0.021) vs controls. In the multivariate analyses, ESR, CRP and spinal radiographic progression were significantly associated with TBS.

        Conclusion:TBS assessments revealed poor bone quality in patients with axSpA compared with the matched controls. In axSpA, systemic inflammatory markers were negatively correlated with TBS and spinal radiographic progression and inflammatory markers were independently correlated with low TBS. TBS may, therefore, be a useful clinical tool to identify the risk of osteoporosis in patients with axSpA.

        引自:Kang KY,Goo HY,Park SH,HongYS.Trabecular bone score as an assessment tool toidentify the risk of osteoporosis in axial spondyloarthritis: a case-controlstudy.Rheumatology (Oxford).2018 Mar 1; 57(3): 462-469. doi:10.1093/rheumatology/kex377.


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