BACKGROUND: Administration of conventionalantithrombotic treatment (low-dose aspirin plus low-molecular weight heparin[LDA+LMWH]) for obstetric antiphospholipid syndrome (APS) does not preventlife-threatening placenta insufficiency-associated complications such aspreeclampsia (PE) and intrauterine growth restriction (IUGR) in 20% ofpatients. Statins have been linked to improved pregnancy outcomes in mousemodels of PE and APS, possibly due to their protective effects on endothelium.Here, we investigated the use of pravastatin in LDA+LMWH-refractory APS inpatients at an increased risk of adverse pregnancy outcomes.METHODS: We studied21 pregnant women with APS who developed PE and/or IUGR during treatment withLDA+LMWH. A control group of 10 patients received only LDA+LMWH. Elevenpatients received pravastatin (20 mg/d) in addition to LDA+LMWH at the onset ofPE and/or IUGR. Uteroplacental blood hemodynamics, progression of PE features(hypertension and proteinuria), and fetal/neonatal outcomes wereevaluated.RESULTS: In the control group, all deliveries occurred preterm andonly 6 of 11 neonates survived. Of the 6 surviving neonates, 3 showed abnormaldevelopment. Patients who received both pravastatin and LDA+LMWH exhibitedincreased placental blood flow and improvements in PE features. Thesebeneficial effects were observed as early as 10 days after pravastatintreatment onset. Pravastatin treatmentcombined with LDA+LMWH was alsoassociated with live births that occurred close to full term in allpatients.CONCLUSION: The present study suggests that pravastatin may improvepregnancy outcomes in women with refractory obstetric APS when taken at theonset of PE or IUGR until the end of pregnancy.
引自:Lefkou E,Mamopoulos A,Dagklis T,et al. Pravastatin improves pregnancy outcomes in obstetric antiphospholipidsyndrome refractory to antithrombotic therapy.J Clin Invest.2016 Aug 1;126 (8):2933-40.