摘要:背景:肺動脈高壓(PAH)是係統性硬化症(SSc)死亡的主要原因。推薦使用超聲心動圖(ECHO)進行年度篩查。我們根據一個大型的澳大利亞SSc隊列中提出了PAH篩查方案的方法,該隊列中提出了sscl -PAH的流行病學以及對PAH篩查指南的影響因素的評估。
結果:在1636例SSc患者中,194例(11.9%)通過右心導管證實了PAH。其中160例是通過篩查發現的。每年的PAH發病率為1.4%。後續診斷的PAH患者和原發診斷的PAH患者更有可能擴散SSc(p = 0.03),根據一個世界衛生組織(世衛組織)關於PAH的診斷(p = 0.01) ,其六分鍾步行試驗的完成情況更好(p = 0.03), 平均肺動脈壓更低(p = 0.009),平均肺血管阻力更低(p = 0.006)和較少的心包積液(p = 0.03)。在澳大利亞的風濕病學家中,使用基於效仿的算法對其中不到一半的患者進行了10年以上的疾病隨訪是很困難的。
Abstract Background Pulmonaryarterial hypertension (PAH) is the leading cause of death in systemic sclerosis(SSc). Annual screening with echocardiogram (ECHO) is recommended. We presentthe methodological aspects of a PAH screening programme in a large AustralianSSc cohort, the epidemiology of SSc-PAH in this cohort, and an evaluation offactors influencing physician adherence to PAH screening guidelines. Methods Patientcharacteristics and results of PAH screening were determined in all patientsenrolled in a SSc longitudinal cohort study. Adherence to PAH screeningguidelines was assessed by a survey of Australian rheumatologists. Summarystatistics, chi-square tests, univariate and multivariable logistic regressionwere used to determine the associations of risk factors with PAH. Results Among 1636 patientswith SSc, 194 (11.9%) had PAH proven by right-heart catheter. Of these, 160were detected by screening. The annual incidence of PAH was 1.4%. Patients withPAH diagnosed on subsequent screens, compared with patients in whom PAH wasdiagnosed on first screen, were more likely to have diffuse SSc (p=0.03),be in a better World Health Organisation (WHO) Functional Class at PAHdiagnosis (p=0.01)and have less advanced PAH evidenced by higher mean six-minute walk distance (p=0.03),lower mean pulmonary arterial pressure (p=0.009),lower mean pulmonary vascular resistance (p=0.006)and fewer non-trivial pericardial effusions (p=0.03).Adherence to annual PAH screening using an ECHO-based algorithm was poor amongAustralian rheumatologists, with less than half screening their patients withSSc of more than ten years disease duration. Conclusion PAH is a common complication of SSc. Physicianadherence to PAH screening recommendations remains poor. Identifying modifiablebarriers to screening may improve adherence and ultimately patient outcomes.
引自:Morrisroe K1,2,Stevens W2,Sahhar J3,Rabusa C2,Nikpour M4,5,Proudman S6,7;AustralianSclerodermaInterest Group (ASIG). Epidemiologyand disease characteristics ofsystemic sclerosis-relatedpulmonaryarterial hypertension: results from a real-lifescreeningprogramme.Arthritis Res Ther.2017 Mar 7;19(1):42.doi: 10.1186/s13075-017-1250-z.