A Pilot Study of Autofl uorescence in the Diagnosis of Pleural Disease

作者:Feng Wang , MMSc ; Zhen Wang , MD ; Zhaohui Tong , MD ; Lili Xu , MMSc ; Xiaojuan Wang , MMSc ; and Yanbing Wu , MD 來源:醫學論壇網 日期:17-12-12

Conventional medical thoracoscopy (MT), routinely performed in patients withPleuralDisease, does not always lead to a conclusive diagnosis. Th e endoscopic appearance of pleural diseases under white light could be misleading. Autofl uorescence has been shown to be an interesting and eff ective diagnostic tool. Th e objective of this study was to evaluate the diagnostic value of autofl uorescence imaging during MT.

閱讀原文請見:A Pilot Study of Autofl uorescence in the Diagnosis of Pleural Disease


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