Application of medical thoracoscopy in diagnosis of sarcoidosis-related pleural effusion

作者:Feng Wang*, Zhaohui Tong, Zhen Wang, Xiaojuan Wang, Xi Zhan & Huanzhong Shi 來源:醫學論壇網 日期:17-12-12

        Pleural effusion caused by sarcoidosis is unusual. Medical thoracoscopy could help clinicians detect associated pleural disease, yet studies on thoracoscopic observations in sarcoidosis pleural involvement are rare. In this article, we report the utility of medical thoracoscopy in diagnosing sarcoid-related pleural disease for three patients. Pleural nodularity was common with solitary and multiple nodules evident; biopsies confirmed the presence of diagnostic noncaseating granulomas.

閱讀原文請見:Application of medical thoracoscopy in diagnosis of sarcoidosis-related pleural effusion


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