發表於《自然評論:藥物發現》(Nature reviews. Drug discovery)2015年6月的一篇文章,在中樞神經係統(CNS)控製基因表達的表觀遺傳機製進行了綜述,介紹了神經精神障礙的機製,基於上述內容文章重點提出新的治療方法,逆轉表觀遺傳因素的神經治療條件。文章還對表觀遺傳因素的複雜性,和目前表觀遺傳因素在中樞神經係統疾病介入治療的水平進行了討論,並介紹了中樞神經係統(CNS)靶向表觀遺傳因素的藥理學和臨床前試驗。最後,對基於表觀遺傳的治療方法的改進策略和發展前景,以及組合藥物和方法都進行了闡述。
Prospects for the development of epigenetic drugs for CNS conditions.
Advances in our understanding of the epigenetic mechanisms that control gene expression in the central nervous system (CNS) and their role in neuropsychiatric disorders are paving the way for a potential new therapeutic approach that is focused on reversing the epigenetic underpinnings of neuropsychiatric conditions. In this article, the complexity of epigenetic processes and the current level of proof for their involvement in CNS disorders are discussed. The preclinical evidence for efficacy of pharmacological approaches that target epigenetics in the CNS and the particular challenges of this approach are also examined. Finally, strategies to address these challenges through the development of improved evidence-based epigenetic therapeutics and through combining pharmacological and behavioural approaches are presented.