溶質載體(SLC)轉運子,是一類超過300種的膜結合蛋白的總稱,這些蛋白能夠促進生物膜基質中形成較寬陣列的轉運,在生理過程具有重要作用,包括營養物質的細胞攝取、藥物的吸收以及其他外源性化學物質的吸收等。目前,幾類上市藥品主要靶向幾個已知的SLC轉運,如神經遞質轉運子。近來,人類基因研究提供了強有力的幫助,發現了特異性的溶質載體(SLC)轉運子在罕見和常見疾病中的作用,發現了很多新的治療機會。近期發表於《自然評論:藥物發現》(Nature reviews. Drug discovery)2015年6月的一篇文章對溶質載體(SLC)轉運子在人類疾病中的作用進行了綜述。該文章溶質載體(SLC)轉運子的靶向策略,並重點研究了已上市的藥物和目前在研究中的藥物調節SLC轉運方麵的作用,對這些有前景的藥物靶標進行綜述。
SLC transporters as therapeutic targets: emerging opportunities.
Lin L1,Yee SW1,Kim RB2,Giacomini KM3.
Solute carrier (SLC) transporters - a family of more than 300 membrane-bound proteins that facilitate the transport of a wide array of substrates across biological membranes - have important roles in physiological processes ranging from the cellular uptake of nutrients to the absorption of drugs and other xenobiotics. Several classes of marketed drugs target well-known SLC transporters, such as neurotransmitter transporters, and human genetic studies have provided powerful insight into the roles of more-recently characterized SLC transporters in both rare and common diseases, indicating a wealth of new therapeutic opportunities. This Review summarizes knowledge on the roles of SLC transporters in human disease, describes strategies to target such transporters, and highlights current and investigational drugs that modulate SLC transporters, as well as promisingdrugtargets.