第二代嵌合抗原受體(CARs)能夠重定位和重編程的T細胞,以增加他們的抗腫瘤功效。近期發表於《自然評論:藥物發現》(Nature reviews. Drug discovery)2015年6月的一篇文章對第二代嵌合抗原受體的藥理學進行了綜述。
The pharmacology of second-generation chimeric antigen receptors.
van der Stegen SJ1, Hamieh M1, Sadelain M1.
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Second-generation chimeric antigen receptors (CARs) retarget and reprogramme T cells to augment their antitumour efficacy. The combined activating and co-stimulatory domains incorporated in these CARs critically determine the function, differentiation, metabolism and persistence of engineered T cells. CD19-targeted CARs that incorporate CD28 or 4-1BB signalling domains are the best known to date. Both have shown remarkable complete remission rates in patients with refractory B cell malignancies. Recent data indicate that CD28-based CARs direct a brisk proliferative response and boost effector functions, whereas 4-1BB-based CARs induce a more progressive T cell accumulation that may compensate for less immediate potency. These distinct kinetic features can be exploited to further develop CAR-based T cell therapies for a variety of cancers. A new field of immunopharmacology is emerging.