約翰霍普金斯大學醫學院生物醫學工程,計算機科學和生物統計學教授Steven Salzberg說,最新麻疹疫情的發生是因為沒有接種疫苗的人群越來越多造成的。
MMR vaccine: 'safe, effective and highly recommended
'Writing in an article for Forbes, Steven Salzberg, a professor of biomedical engineering, computer science and biostatistics at Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine in Baltimore, MD, says this latest measles epidemic has been "fueled by growing enclaves of unvaccinated people."
"Anti-vaxxers have been relentless in the efforts to spread misinformation," he adds. "Despite overwhelming scientific evidence that vaccines are beneficial, they endlessly repeat a variety false claims, such as vaccines cause autism."
"Over the past 15 years, dozens of studies involving hundreds of thousands of people have shown convincingly that neither vaccines nor any of the ingredients in them are linked to autism," he continues. "Vaccines are not only safe, but they are perhaps the greatest public health success in the history of civilization."
Both Prof. Salzburg and Dr. Schuchat note that we should not underestimate how serious measles can be. Around 1 in 10 children with measles develop ear infections, which can lead to hearing loss, and around 1 in 20 develop pneumonia. In this outbreak alone, a quarter of infected individuals have been hospitalized as a result.
"The news this year is concerning and serves as a warning that measles is still coming into the United States and that unvaccinated people can get exposed," said Dr. Schuchat in a press briefing.
"These outbreaks the past couple of years have been much harder to control when the virus reaches communities where numbers of people have not been vaccinated and, of course, when the virus comes into the country and exposing people at large venues where many people gather, the chances of exposure are greater," she added.
As such, the CDC and health care professionals across the country are calling for all individuals to ensure they receive the measles vaccination. Dr. Schuchat said:
"I want to make sure that parents who think that measles is gone and haven't made sure that they or their children are vaccinated are aware that measles is still around and it can be serious. And that MMR vaccine is safe and effective and highly recommended."
Whether Dr. Schuchat's reassurance that the MMR vaccine is safe will encourage increased vaccination coverage going forward is unclear. But Prof. Salzburg says it is possible the measles epidemic itself will change people's views about vaccination.
"Perhaps the Disneyland epidemic will finally convince parents, schools, and state legislatures that they need to insist that children get vaccinated before going to school," he wrote in Forbes. "Perhaps it will also convince parents to stop listening to nonsense, and choose wisely by getting their children vaccinated against measles. We won this battle before, and we can win it again."