根據最新發表在《Cell Reports》的一篇論文中稱,在腎髒中受傷的細胞可以通過Sox9基因被敲入的方式進入修複模式。
Sanjeev Kumar醫學博士是第一作者,他是南加州大學凱克醫學院的博士後研究助理,在AndyMcMahon實驗室,他是博士,教務長和教授。w.m.Keck教授是Keck學校幹細胞生物學和再生醫學教授,他發現幸存的受損細胞可啟動Sox9基因,這是對腎髒損害的一種應激反應。這個重生的受損細胞處於腎元內層,腎元是腎髒的功能單位,能夠快速修複急性腎損傷(AKI)。
Sox9 Activation Highlights a Cellular Pathway ofRenalRepair in the Acutely Injured Mammalian Kidney
Sanjeev Kumar, Jing Liu, Paul Pang, A. Michaela Krautzberger, Antoine Reginensi, Haruhiko Akiyama, Andreas Schedl, Benjamin D. Humphreys, Andrew P. McMahoncorrespondenceemail
Summary After acute kidney injury (AKI), survivingcellswithin the nephron proliferate and repair. We identify Sox9 as an acute epithelial stress response in renal regeneration. Translational profiling after AKI revealed a rapid upregulation of Sox9 within proximal tubule (PT) cells, the nephron cell type most vulnerable to AKI. Descendants of Sox9+ cells generate the bulk of the nephron during development and regenerate functional PT epithelium after AKI-induced reactivation of Sox9 after renal injury. After restoration of renal function post-AKI, persistent Sox9 expression highlights regions of unresolved damage within injured nephrons. Inactivation of Sox9 in PT cells pre-injury indicates that Sox9 is required for the normal course of post-AKI recovery. These findings link Sox9 to cell intrinsic mechanisms regulating development and repair of the mammalian nephron..