在一項新的研究中,研究人員發現證據證實一種天然的水果提取物能夠溶解草酸鈣晶體,即人腎結石中最為常見的組分。這一發現可能導致人們30年來首次在治療草酸鈣結石中取得進展。相關研究結果於2016年8月8日在線發表在Nature期刊上,論文標題為“Molecular modifiers reveal a mechanism of pathological crystal growth inhibition”。論文通信作者為美國休斯敦大學化學工程副教授Jeffrey Rimer和Litholink公司腎病學家John Asplin。
這項研究提供首個證據證實化合物羥基檸檬酸(hydroxycitrate, HCA)是一種有效地抑製草酸鈣晶體生長的物質,而且在某些條件下,實際上能夠溶解這些晶體。研究人員也解釋了它是如何發揮作用的。
在過去三十年來,對腎結石的預防治療並沒有發生太多變化。醫生們告訴有風險患上結石的病人喝大量的水,並且避免吃富含草酸鹽的食物,如大黃、秋葵、菠菜和杏仁。他們經常推薦服用檸檬酸鹽(citrate, CA),以檸檬酸鉀的形式,即一種能夠延緩草酸鈣晶體生長的補充劑,但是一些人不能夠忍受它產生的副作用。
論文第一作者、在Rimer實驗室從事研究的休斯頓大學研究生Jihae Chung注意到當草酸鈣晶體接觸到特定濃度的HCA時,這些AFM顯微圖片記錄到這種晶體確實在縮小。Rimer懷疑這個初步的發現是異常的,這是因為在高度過飽和的溶液中觀察到這種晶體在溶解是非常罕見的。在文獻中報道的最為有效的抑製劑僅僅是阻止這種晶體生長。
來自美國匹茲堡大學的Giannis Mpourmpakis和他的研究生Michael G. Taylor利用密度泛函理論(density functional theory, DFT)---一種高度準確的計算方法,被用來研究材料的結構和性質---解決HCA和CA如何結合到鈣和草酸鈣晶體上。他們發現HCA與草酸鈣晶體表麵更強地結合在一起,產生一種張力,而且這種張力似乎通過鈣離子和草酸根離子的釋放得到緩解,從而導致晶體溶解。
Jihae Chung, Ignacio Granja, Michael G. Taylor, Giannis Mpourmpakis, John R. Asplin & Jeffrey D. Rimer
Crystalline materials are crucial to the function of living organisms, in the shells of molluscs1, 2, 3, the matrix of bone4, the teeth of sea urchins5, and the exoskeletons of coccoliths6. However, pathological biomineralization can be an undesirable crystallization process associated with human diseases7, 8, 9. The crystal growth of biogenic, natural and synthetic materials may be regulated by the action of modifiers, most commonly inhibitors, which range from small ions and molecules10, 11 to large macromolecules12. Inhibitors adsorb on crystal surfaces and impede the addition of solute, thereby reducing the rate of growth13, 14. Complex inhibitor–crystal interactions in biomineralization are often not well elucidated15. Here we show that two molecular inhibitors of calcium oxalate monohydrate crystallization—citrate and hydroxycitrate—exhibit a mechanism that differs from classical theory in that inhibitor adsorption on crystal surfaces induces dissolution of the crystal under specific conditions rather than a reduced rate of crystal growth. This phenomenon occurs even in supersaturated solutions where inhibitor concentration is three orders of magnitude less than that of the solute. The results of bulk crystallization, in situ atomic force microscopy, and density functional theory studies are qualitatively consistent with a hypothesis that inhibitor–crystal interactions impart localized strain to the crystal lattice and that oxalate and calcium ions are released into solution to alleviate this strain. Calcium oxalate monohydrate is the principal component of human kidney stones16, 17, 18, 19 and citrate is an often-used therapy20, but hydroxycitrate is not. For hydroxycitrate to function as a kidney stone treatment, it must be excreted in urine. We report that hydroxycitrate ingested by non-stone-forming humans at an often-recommended dose leads to substantial urinary excretion. In vitro assays using human urine reveal that the molecular modifier hydroxycitrate is as effective an inhibitor of nucleation of calcium oxalate monohydrate nucleation as is citrate. Our findings support exploration of the clinical potential of hydroxycitrate as an alternative treatment to citrate for kidney stones.