近日,來自愛丁堡大學的研究人員通過研究揭示了感染性蛋白如何引發疾病擴散到大腦,這或可幫助對致死性大腦疾病的患者進行診斷,相關研究發表於國際雜誌Journal of Virology上。文章中研究者表示,個體在食用被感染性蛋白—朊病毒汙染的食物後,朊病毒就會通過腸道侵入到個體大腦,該研究或將幫助對朊病毒疾病的診斷,朊病毒疾病包括克雅二氏症及瘋牛病等。
最後研究者Neil Mabbott說道,是否所有個體通過腸道朊病毒感染繼而發展為神經係統疾病我們不得而知,後期我們還需要進行更多的研究來尋找是什麼因子可以增強機體對朊病毒的一感染,這對於研究朊病毒的致病機製及開發保護性措施或療法來抑製朊病毒疾病提供了新的思路和希望。
Thegut-associated lymphoid tissues in the small intestine, not the large intestine, play a major role in oralpriondisease pathogenesis
David S. Donaldsona, Kathryn J. Elseb and Neil A. Mabbotta#
Prion diseases are infectious neurodegenerative disorders characterised by accumulations of abnormally folded cellular prion protein in affected tissues. Many natural prion diseases are acquired orally and following exposure the early replication of some prion isolates upon follicular dendritic cells (FDC) within gut-associated lymphoid tissues (GALT) is important for the efficient spread of disease to the brain (neuroinvasion). Prion detection within large intestinal GALT biopsies has been used to estimate human and animal disease prevalence. However, the relative contributions of the small and large intestinal GALT to oral prion pathogenesis were unknown. To address this issue we created mice that specifically lacked FDC-containing GALT only in the small intestine. Our data show that oral prion disease susceptibility was dramatically reduced in mice lacking small intestinal GALT. Although these mice had FDC-containing GALT throughout their large intestines, these tissues were not early sites of prion accumulation or neuroinvasion. We also determined whether pathology specifically within the large intestine might influence prion pathogenesis. Congruent infection with the nematode parasite Trichuris muris in the large intestine around the time of oral prion exposure did not affect disease pathogenesis. Together, these data demonstrate that the small intestinal GALT are the major early sites of prion accumulation and neuroinvasion after oral exposure. This has important implications for our understanding of the factors that influence the risk to infection and the pre-clinical diagnosis of disease.