
作者:國際肝病 來源:國際肝病 日期:15-04-10

2015年4月22~26日,第50屆歐洲肝髒研究學會(EASL)年會暨國際肝髒大會(The International Liver Congress?,ILC 2015)將在奧地利維也納舉行。

今年EASL創建已曆經50載,會議主辦方將隆重紀念這一曆史性時刻,與此同時,也熱烈祝賀學會期刊Journal of Hepatology雜誌在最新公布的影響因子破10--在肝病領域雜誌中名列前茅!

大會名譽主席Serge Erlinger教授介紹道,“維也納是ILC 2015舉辦最理想的城市。在這裏,誕生了被譽為‘現代肝病學之父’的漢斯·波普爾(Hans Popper,1903~1988年)--世界著名的肝病學家與病理學家,肝病學領域的重要奠基人之一,他籌建了美國肝病研究學會(AASLD)和國際肝病學會。我相信本屆大會將取得一個巨大的成功!”


2015/4/22 星期三

8:00 - 8:30 Joint Workshop: ILC Viral Hepatitis Workshop

●Is HBV infection curable? Fabien Zoulim, France

●Challenge: the HCC epidemics in ?cured? hepatitis patients Jordan Feld, Canada

●HCV treatment to PWID-results from the ACTIVATE trial Stéphane Chevaliez, France

10:00 - 10:15 Joint Workshop: EASL-Public Health CAG

●Current and future options to treat high risk groups and difficult to treat patients: Chronic HBV Maurizia Brunetto, Italy

●Current and future options to treat high risk groups and difficult to treat patients: Chronic HCV Jason Grebely, Australia

●Prospects for an effective HCV vaccine Thomas Baumert, France

11:30 - 17:30 Post-Graduate Course--Metabolic Liver

2015/4/23 星期四

10:30 - 12:00 Basic Science Seminar - Liver Tumours Microenvironment and therapy

●The inflammatory response and its consequences - can we intervene? Derek Mann, The United Kingdom

●The role of neutrophils in HCC Caroline Wilson, The United Kingdom

●Oncolytic viral therapy Oliver Ebert, Germany

●Targeting, delivery and imaging of oncolytic virotherapeutics Jennifer Altomonte, Germany

●Immunotherapy for HCC? David Adams, The United Kingdom

●Immune responses to hepatocellular carcinoma: complex regulation and therapeutic potential Ka-Kit Li, The United Kingdom

2015/4/24 星期五

7:30 - 8:30 Early Morning Workshops

Endpoints for antifibrotic trials: what does it take to be a game changer? Moderators: Veronica Miller, The United States;Detlef Schuppan, Germany

10:30 - 11:00 J.P. Benhamou State of the Art Session

Iron and the liver…of pathogens, metabolic adaptation and human disease Antonello Pietrangelo, Italy

12:45-13:45 EASL Recommendations on treatment of hepatitis C 2015

14:55 - 15:20 Clinical Symposium

PBCShould we treat PBC as an autoimmune disease? Gideon Hirschfield, The United Kingdom

2015/4/25 星期六

10:30 - 11:00 State of the Art Session - Basic Science

Reengineering the microenvironment to improve treatment of fibrotic diseases Rakesh Jain, The United States

14:00-15:30 Clinical Symposium HBVFuture of HBV treatments

●The current treatment situation and definitions of a cure for chronic HBV infection Geoffrey Dusheiko, The United Kingdom

●The main unresolved questions to cure HBV infection Ulrike Protzer, Germany

●The new direct antivirals in pre-clinical and early clinical development Fabien Zoulim, France

●Novel concepts of immune therapy (restoration of innate and/or adaptive immune responses) Antonio Bertoletti, Singapore

2015/4/26 星期日

7:30 - 8:30 WHO Global Hepatitis Strategy in the makingGottfried Hirnschall, Switzerland

08:30 - 10:00 30 Years of Journal of Hepatology: Emerging issues in HepatologyRajiv Jalan, The United Kingdom


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