
作者:曉蘭 編譯 來源:醫學論壇網 日期:15-04-02



  “世界癌症研究基金會”(World Cancer Research Fund)發表的報告稱,咖啡飲料可以很明顯地降低人們罹患肝癌的風險。

  研究人員稱,常飲用咖啡者可以顯著性降低罹患肝癌風險的14%。在一項正在進行中並持續更新的項目中,英國倫敦帝國學院(Imperial College London)研究人員分析涵蓋全球820萬人、共24500件肝癌病例的34項研究,這些研究探討了飲食、營養、運動和體重與癌症風險和生存率的關係。雖然目前還不知道咖啡如何預防相關疾病,但研究者推測咖啡中的某些化合物可能有助於抵抗毒素。咖啡和咖啡提取物也能減少炎症相關基因的表達,而肝髒受這些保護作用最明顯。



For Your Liver's Sake, You Should Probably Keep Drinking Coffee

  More than half of American grown-ups drink coffee every day. Their non-sipping counterparts may want to follow suit.

  The health benefits associated with drinking coffee are plenty: The brew is packed with antioxidants and downing a cup can help wake up the brain and make a person feel more alert and focused. A new report published by the World Cancer Research Fund found that the apparently magical liquid can also decrease a person's risk for liver cancer.

  The numbers are pretty significant: Researchers found that a consistent love for coffee could lower liver cancer risk by 14 percent. As part of ongoing research for the Continuous Update Project, a research team at Imperial College London analyzed 34 existing global studies about how diet, nutrition, physical activity and weigh relate to cancer risk and survival. Collectively, the studies covered approximately 8.2 million adults and 24,500 cases of liver cancer. Researchers are not sure why coffee might protect against the disease, but they hypothesized that certain compounds in the beverage could help to fight toxins. "Both coffee and coffee extracts have also been shown to reduce the expression of genes involved in inflammation, and the effects appear to be most pronounced in the liver," the report reads.

  Researchers also found that those with an alcohol habit benefited from the addition a coffee habit: Those who consumed about three alcoholic beverages a day could reduce liver damage, ultimately lessening their risk for liver cancer.


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