
作者:佚名 來源:生物穀 日期:15-11-10



  這項新的研究能夠改變醫生用藥的方式。“這兩篇文章證明了微生物能夠影響治療效果”,來自NIH的過敏與傳染病研究所的免疫學家Yasmine Belkaid說到。過去研究者們經常專注於尋找患者基因組中的的突變,並以此解釋為何免疫檢查點抑製劑藥物治療效果存在個體差異。而如今的這兩篇研究指出除基因組之外,微生物可能也有同樣的影響。


  這類藥物的一項副作用使得來自法國的癌症免疫學家Laurence Zitvogel產生了興趣。Ipilimumab經常能夠引發潰瘍(一類腸道炎症),並引起腸道內一部分細菌的死亡。這一副作用暗示Ipilimumab的藥效可能與腸道的微生物有很大關係。之後的實驗證明了免疫檢查點抑製劑對於患有癌症且腸道微生物缺失小鼠治療效果並不明顯。


  同時,來自芝加哥大學的免疫學家Thomas Gajewski得到了相似的結論。他發現兩株來源不同的同一品係小鼠產生了不同的表型:來自於Jackson Laboratory的小鼠體內黑色素瘤的生長速度明顯慢於來自Taconic Farms的小鼠。額將它們共同飼養之後這一差異便消失了。由此,他們認為是腸道呢IDE微生物種群的差異影響了腫瘤的生長。


  兩個研究組所鑒定得到的關鍵微生物類型並不相同,然而佛羅裏達大學醫學院的微生物免疫學家Christian Jobin卻並不在意。他認為其內在的本質依然是相同的。




  Commensal Bifidobacterium promotes antitumor immunity and facilitates anti–PD-L1 efficacy

  T cell infiltration of solid tumors is associated with favorable patient outcomes, yet the mechanisms underlying variable immune responses between individuals are not well understood. One possible modulator could be the intestinal microbiota. We compared melanoma growth in mice harboring distinct commensal microbiota and observed differences in spontaneous antitumor immunity, which were eliminated upon cohousing or following fecal transfer. 16S ribosomal RNA sequencing identified Bifidobacterium as associated with the antitumor effects. Oral administration of Bifidobacterium alone improved tumor control to the same degree as anti–PD-L1 therapy (checkpoint blockade), and combination treatment nearly abolished tumor outgrowth. Augmented dendritic cell function leading to enhanced CD8+ T cell priming and accumulation in the tumor microenvironment mediated the effect. Our data suggest that manipulating the microbiota may modulate cancer immunotherapy.


  Anticancer immunotherapy by CTLA-4 blockade relies on the gut microbiota

  Antibodies targeting CTLA-4 have been successfully used as cancer immunotherapy. We find that the antitumor effects of CTLA-4 blockade depend on distinct Bacteroides species. In mice and patients, T cell responses specific for B. thetaiotaomicron or B. fragilis were associated with the efficacy of CTLA-4 blockade. Tumors in antibiotic-treated or germ-free mice did not respond to CTLA blockade. This defect was overcome by gavage with B. fragilis, or by immunization with B. fragilis polysaccharides, or by adoptive transfer of B. fragilis-specific T cells. Fecal microbial transplantation from humans to mice confirmed that anti–CTLA-4 treatment of melanoma patients favored the outgrowth of B. fragilis with anticancer properties. This study reveals a key role for Bacteroidales in the immunostimulatory effects of CTLA-4 blockade.


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