腸道是藥物抗性細菌的重要定植場所,這些抗藥細菌的存在對人類生命健康存在很大威脅。近日,來自美國的研究人員在國際學術期刊plos pathogens上發表了一項最新研究進展,他們利用小鼠進行研究發現兩種最常見的抗藥細菌在腸道中占據著相同位置,同時將健康的腸道菌群通過糞便移植的方式轉移到小鼠模型中可以清除抗藥細菌。
研究人員對腸道環境中攜帶萬古黴素抗性的Enterococcus faecium(VRE)和攜帶多種藥物抗性的Klebsiellapneumoniae之間的相互作用進行了研究。有數據表明,在美國有大約10%需要住院治療的嚴重病原體感染是由這兩種細菌造成。這兩種細菌都可以在腸道中定植下來並向其他部位傳播,引起自身或他人發生局部感染或全身感染。
研究人員首先提出一個問題:是否VRE或K. pneumoniae中的一種占據小腸環境之後就會對另外一種細菌的定植產生抵抗。在利用小鼠模型進行研究之後發現這兩種細菌能夠同時占據小腸中的相同位置,並且在定植過程中兩者之間不會形成競爭也不會產生協同作用。雖然這兩種細菌可以和平共處,但研究人員發現它們駐留在不同的"niches"之中,以滿足各自的代謝需求。
目前大家已經了解將健康小鼠的糞便移植到細菌定植的小鼠腸道可以清除VRE,而對於人類來說,利用健康供體進行糞便移植可以治療一些受到腸道特定病原菌感染的病人。為了證明糞便移植是否也能夠清除VRE和K. pneumoniae ,研究人員首先將這兩種病原菌共同定植到小鼠腸道,隨後進行了連續三天的健康糞便菌群移植。結果發現在進行了一天的移植之後,K. pneumoniae就出現下降,而七天之後所有的小鼠糞便中都檢測不到K. pneumoniae的存在,而VRE在60%的小鼠中得到清除,在剩餘40%的小鼠中減少了一千倍。
總的來說,這項研究發現VRE和K. pneumoniae這兩種抗藥病原菌可以在小鼠腸道中共同存在,並且利用糞便移植的方法可以將這兩種病原菌進行清除,這對於深入探究腸道細菌的關係具有重要意義。
DOI: 10.1371/journal.ppat.1005132
Distinct but Spatially Overlapping Intestinal Niches for Vancomycin-Resistant Enterococcus faecium and Carbapenem-Resistant Klebsiella pneumoniae
Silvia Caballero, Rebecca Carter, Xu Ke, Bo?e Su?ac, Ingrid M. Leiner, Grace J. Kim, Liza Miller, Lilan Ling, Katia Manova, Eric G. Pamer
Antibiotic resistance among enterococci and γ-proteobacteria is an increasing problem in healthcare settings. Densecolonizationof the gut by antibiotic-resistant bacteria facilitates their spread between patients and also leads to bloodstream and other systemic infections. Antibiotic-mediated destruction of the intestinal microbiota and consequent loss of colonization resistance are critical factors leading to persistence and spread of antibiotic-resistant bacteria. The mechanisms underlying microbiota-mediated colonization resistance remain incompletely defined and are likely distinct for different antibiotic-resistant bacterial species. It is unclear whether enterococci or γ-proteobacteria, upon expanding to high density in the gut, confer colonization resistance against competing bacterial species. Herein, we demonstrate that dense intestinal colonization with vancomycin-resistant Enterococcus faecium (VRE) does not reduce in vivo growth of carbapenem-resistant Klebsiella pneumoniae. Reciprocally, K.pneumoniae does not impair intestinal colonization by VRE. In contrast, transplantation of a diverse fecal microbiota eliminates both VRE and K. pneumoniae from the gut. Fluorescence in situ hybridization demonstrates that VRE and K. pneumoniae localize to the same regions in the colon but differ with respect to stimulation and invasion of the colonic mucus layer. While VRE and K. pneumoniae occupy the same three-dimensional space within the gut lumen, their independent growth and persistence in the gut suggests that they reside in distinct niches that satisfy their specific in vivo metabolic needs.