Th17細胞的發現以及其發育調控機製的揭示使得我們對腸道免疫反應機製有了更加深入的認識。在此之前,大家一致認為Th1細胞是腸道炎症反應的主要參與者,然而,大量的研究發現IL-23,一類IL-17家族的成員,對於IBD(immune bowel disease,一種嚴重的腸道炎症疾病)的發生具有重要的作用,尤其是IL-23的受體蛋白特異表達於CD4+T細胞表麵。另外,許多人類疾病相關研究發現疾病發生過程中許多基因的表達特異性存在於Th17細胞中。這些事實暗示了Th17是IBD發生過程中重要的影響因素。
之前的研究發現Th17細胞在發育過程中會產生"Th1"類型的性狀,比如IFN-gamma的表達,T-bet的表達,Th12的分泌以及RORgamma t的下調。這些實驗暗示了腸道的Th17前體可能會分化形成Th1細胞從而介導腸道的炎症反應。最近,來自美國阿拉巴馬大學的Casey T. Weaver研究組在《pnas》雜誌發表了他們對這一問題的深入研究結果。
為了研究Th17細胞分泌的IL-17對於腸炎的作用,作者分別利用野生型小鼠與IFN-gamma-/-小鼠de Th17細胞進行移植試驗。結果顯示,野生型小鼠Th17細胞能夠引起嚴重的腸炎反應,體現在小鼠體重明顯下降,然而突變體小鼠的炎症程度明顯較輕,體重下降也不明顯。
doi: 10.1073/pnas.1415675112
Th17 cells give rise to Th1 cells that are required for the pathogenesis of colitis
Stacey N. Harboura, Craig L. Maynarda, Carlene L. Zindla, Trenton R. Schoebb, and Casey T. Weavera
Th17 cells reactive to the enteric microbiota are central to the pathogenesis of certain types of inflammatory bowel disease. However, Th17 cells display substantial developmental plasticity, such that some progeny of Th17 cell precursors retain a predominantly IL-17A+ phenotype, whereas others extinguish IL-17 expression and acquire expression of IFN-γ, giving rise to "Th1-like" cells. It remains unclear what role these subsets play in inflammatory bowel disease. Using a Th17 transfer model of colitis, we found that IFN-γ-deficient Th17 cells retained an IL-17A+ phenotype and were unable to induce colitis in recipients. Development of disease required the transition of a subset of Th17 precursors to Th1-like cells and was contingent on the expression of both Stat4 and T-bet, but not the IL-12 or IFN-γ receptors. Moreover, Th17 cells could provide "help" for the development of pathogenic Th1 cells from na?ve precursors. These results indicate that Th17 cells are potent mediators of colitis pathogenesis by dual mechanisms: by directly transitioning to Th1-like cells and by supporting the development of classic Th1 cells.