2015年第75屆美國糖尿病協會(ADA)科學年會正在美國波士頓召開。由上海交通大學附屬第六人民醫院內分泌代謝科賈偉平教授團隊完成的一項研究結果在ADA2015年會最新研究壁報專場(Late Breaking Poster Session)上發布。該研究對我國少數民族基諾族成人的糖尿病和代謝綜合征的患病率進行調查,發現基諾族男性成年人糖尿病和糖尿病前期患病率較高,且更易發生空腹血糖升高。以下是研究摘要譯文。
結果:研究人群的糖尿病年齡標準化患病率為7.2%(男性:10.2%;女性:4.4%)。其中297例為新診斷的糖尿病,38.4%僅空腹血糖水平升高(≥7.0mmol/L),39.7%僅2小時血糖水平(≥11.1 mmol/L),21.9%空腹和2小時血糖均升高;糖尿病前期的年齡標準化患病率為19.0%(男性:21.2%;女性:17.0%)。在1070例糖尿病前期受試者,單純空腹血糖受損、單純糖耐量受損以及兩者均受損的患者分別為42.5%、44.0%和13.5%。中心性肥胖、總體肥胖、高血壓、血脂異常和代謝綜合征的年齡標準化患病率分別為8.9%、20.4%、20.9%、20.4%和33.5%。
Abstract Number: | 165-LB |
Title: | Prevalence of Diabetes and Metabolic Syndrome in Jinuo Chinese adults |
Authors: | JIANG FUSONG, HOU XUHONG, WEIPING JIA, Shanghai, China |
Abstract: |
Background: To investigate the prevalence of diabetes and metabolic syndrome in Jinuo Chinese adults, the last established ethnic minority population in Yunnan, China. Methods: Between January and May 2012, we conducted a cross-sectional survey. A representative sample of 5,633 adults, aged ≥18 years, from the Jinuo minority of Yunnan province participated in this study. After an overnight fast, blood samples were drawn to measure fasting plasma glucose levels and 2 hours after an oral glucose-tolerance test in participants without history of diabetes. Physical examination and laboratory tests were also performed. Results: The age-standardized prevalence of diabetes was 7.2% in the population (men: 10.2%; women: 4.4%). Among 297 patients with newly diagnosed diabetes, 38.4% had raised fasting plasma glucose levels (≥7.0 mmol/L) only, 39.7% had raised 2-hour plasma glucose levels (≥11.1 mmol/L) only, and both parameters were raised in 21.9%; The age-standardized prevalence of prediabetes was 19.0% (men: 21.2%; women: 17.0%). Among 1070 patients with prediabetes, 42.5%, 44.0%, and 13.5% had isolated impaired fasting glucose, isolated impaired glucose tolerance and combined impaired fasting glucose and impaired glucose tolerance, respectively. The age-standardized prevalences of central obesity, general obesity, hypertension, dyslipidemia, and metabolic syndrome were 8.9%, 20.4%, 20.9%, 20.4%, and 33.5%, respectively. Conclusion: Jinuo male adults have a higher prevalence of diabetes and pre-diabetes and are prone to elevated fasting glucose levels.