
作者:佚名 來源:生物穀 日期:15-07-15



  研究者Gregory E. Miller教授說道,新興數據表明,對於低收入年輕人而言,自我控製是一把雙刃劍,其可以促進學術成功和心理社會適應,同時也會破壞機體健康;文章中研究者重點對大約300名非美國裔的農村青少年進行研究,研究階段從這些個體從青春期到成年期,研究者發現,有較高自控水平或者有遠期目標的青少年在多種心理素質表現上要優於年輕人的表現。






  Self-control forecasts better psychosocial outcomes but faster epigenetic aging in low-SES youth

  Gregory E. Millera,1, Tianyi Yub, Edith Chena, and Gene H. Brodyb

  There are persistent socioeconomic disparities in many aspects of child development in America. Relative to their affluent peers, children of low socioeconomic status (SES) complete fewer years of education, have a higher prevalence of health problems, and are convicted of more criminal offenses. Based on research indicating that low self-control underlies some of these disparities, policymakers have begun incorporating character-skills training into school curricula and social services. However, emerging data suggest that for low-SES youth, self-control may act as a “double-edged sword,” facilitating academic success and psychosocial adjustment, while at the same time undermining physical health. Here, we examine this hypothesis in a five-wave study of 292 African American teenagers from rural Georgia. From ages 17 to 20 y, we assessed SES and self-control annually, along with depressive symptoms, substance use, aggressive behavior, and internalizing problems. At age 22 y, we obtained DNA methylation profiles of subjects’ peripheral blood mononuclear cells. These data were used to measure epigenetic aging, a methylation-derived biomarker reflecting the disparity between biological and chronological aging. Among high-SES youth, better mid-adolescent self-control presaged favorable psychological and methylation outcomes. However, among low-SES youth, self-control had divergent associations with these outcomes. Self-control forecasted lower rates of depressive symptoms, substance use, aggressive behavior, and internalizing problems but faster epigenetic aging. These patterns suggest that for low-SES youth, resilience is a “skin-deep” phenomenon, wherein outward indicators of success can mask emerging problems with health. These findings have conceptual implications for models of resilience, and practical implications for interventions aimed at ameliorating social and racial disparities..


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