文章中,研究者Nina Jablonski表示,維生素D補充是一種簡單有效的幹預措施,其可以有效降低個體HIV-1的感染風險及疾病的惡化,尤其對於資源匱乏的地區非常關鍵;這項研究中研究者對生活在南非的兩個種族的人群進行研究,觀察因季節差異而引發的紫外線B輻射、飲食維生素D、遺傳因素及色素沉著如何影響個體維生素D的水平,同時研究者還研究了高劑量的維生素D補充劑如何改善機體抵禦HIV-1免疫力的缺失。
High-dose vitamin D3 reduces deficiency caused by low UVB exposure and limits HIV-1 replication in urban Southern Africans
Anna K. Coussensa, Celeste E. Naudeb, Rene Goliatha, George Chaplinc,d,e, Robert J. Wilkinsona,f,g, and Nina G. Jablonskid,e,1
Cape Town, South Africa, has a seasonal pattern of UVB radiation and a predominantly dark-skinned urban population who suffer high HIV-1 prevalence. This coexistent environmental and phenotypic scenario puts residents at risk for vitamin D deficiency, which may potentiate HIV-1 disease progression. We conducted a longitudinal study in two ethnically distinct groups of healthy young adults in Cape Town, supplemented with vitamin D3 in winter, to determine whether vitamin D status modifies the response to HIV-1 infection and to identify the major determinants of vitamin D status (UVB exposure, diet, pigmentation, and genetics). Vitamin D deficiency was observed in the majority of subjects in winter and in a proportion of individuals in summer, was highly correlated with UVB exposure, and was associated with greater HIV-1 replication in peripheral blood cells. High-dosage oral vitamin D3 supplementation attenuated HIV-1 replication, increased circulating leukocytes, and reversed winter-associated anemia. Vitamin D3 therefore presents as a low-cost supplementation to improve HIV-associated immunity.