長期以來人們都知道抓撓會使得患慢性瘙癢的患者感到異常舒服,而如今來自塔夫茨大學醫學院的研究人員就在研究中闡明了為何抓撓會讓患者獲得快感,相關研究刊登於國家雜誌Journal of Investigative Dermatology上。
研究者Hideki Mochizuki說道,慢性瘙癢是一種皮膚疾病,比如異位性濕疹和銀屑病等,盡管抓撓會在第一時間讓患者感覺非常舒服或症狀得到極大緩解,但不斷的抓撓會引發發癢強度的增加,即出現越抓撓越癢的表現,同時也會使得患者出現疼痛和永久性的皮膚損傷,因此揭示患者大腦的活性或可幫助理解機體如何誘發病理性的抓撓行為。
Scratching Induces Overactivity in Motor-Related Regions and Reward System in Chronic Itch Patients
Hideki Mochizuki1, Alexandru D P Papoiu2, Leigh A Nattkemper1, Andrew C Lin1, Robert A Kraft3, Robert C Coghill4 and Gil Yosipovitch1
Scratching evokes a rewarding and pleasurable sensation in particular in chronic itch patients. To date, no study has investigated the cerebral activity during scratching in chronic itch patients and whether it differs from healthy subjects. Using arterial spin labeling fMRI, we analyzed and compared the cerebral mechanism of self-scratching and its correlation with pleasurability, in 10 patients with chronic itch and 10 healthy controls. Cowhage was applied to the right forearm to induce itch. Scratching significantly attenuated the itch sensation (P<0.001), and evoked an associated pleasurability. Scratching-induced pleasurability significantly activated the reward system in the chronic itch and healthy groups, confirming that this reward system plays a crucial role in scratching-induced pleasurability. A higher activity during scratching in chronic itch patients, versus healthy controls, was noted in brain regions related to motor control and motivation to act, including the supplementary motor area, premotor cortex, primary motor cortex and midcingulate cortex, as well as the caudate nucleus involved in the reward system. This overactivity may be associated with the addictive scratching and/or neural hypersensitization.