近日,國際學術期刊cell reports在線發表了美國科學家的一項最新研究進展,他們發現在小腸幹細胞和小腸穩態調節過程中,Notch和Wnt信號扮演了重要調控作用,阻斷Notch信號會引起小腸幹細胞分化失衡,並且在這一過程中伴隨對Wnt信號途徑的抑製解除。
DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.celrep.2015.03.007
Opposing Activities of Notch and Wnt Signaling Regulate Intestinal Stem Cells and Gut Homeostasis
Hua Tian5, Brian Biehs5, Cecilia Chiu, Christian W. Siebel, Yan Wu, Mike Costa, Frederic J. de Sauvagecorrespondenceemail, Ophir D. Klein
Proper organ homeostasis requires tight control of adult stem cells and differentiation through the integration of multiple inputs. In the mouse small intestine, Notch and Wnt signaling are required both for stem cell maintenance and for a proper balance of differentiation between secretory and absorptive cell lineages. In the absence of Notch signaling, stem cells preferentially generate secretory cells at the expense of absorptive cells. Here, we use function-blocking antibodies against Notch receptors to demonstrate that Notch blockade perturbs intestinal stem cell function by causing a derepression of the Wnt signaling pathway, leading to misexpression of prosecretory genes. Importantly, attenuation of the Wnt pathway rescued the phenotype associated with Notch blockade. These studies bring to light a negative regulatory mechanism that maintains stem cell activity and balanced differentiation, and we propose that the interaction between Wnt and Notch signaling described here represents a common theme in adult stem cell biology.