Cell Rep:科學家首次揭示人類腸道幹細胞的行為機製

作者:佚名 來源:生物穀 日期:18-11-15

        來自倫敦大學瑪麗女王學院的研究人員通過研究首次發現了人類腸道中幹細胞的行為機製,相關研究刊登於國際雜誌Cell Reports上,或為腸癌的早期發現以及預防措施提供一定的思路和幫助。




        最後,研究者Marnix Jansen博士說道,基於本文的研究,通過對來自腸癌患者的組織進行分析研究,我們就可以清楚揭示腸癌的發生機理,當然後期還需要進行更為深入的研究才能夠為開發治療腸癌患者的疾病以及改善其生存質量提供幫助。(生物穀Bioon.com)




Quantification of Crypt and Stem Cell Evolution in the Normal and Neoplastic Human Colon

        Ann-Marie Baker, Biancastella Cereser, Samuel Melton, Alexander G. Fletcher, Manuel Rodriguez-Justo, Paul J. Tadrous, Adam Humphries, George Elia, Stuart A.C. McDonald, Nicholas A. Wright, Benjamin D. Simons11, Marnix Jansen11, Trevor A. Graham11

        Human intestinal stem cell and crypt dynamics remain poorly characterized because transgenic lineage-tracing methods are impractical in humans. Here, we have circumvented this problem by quantitatively using somatic mtDNA mutations to trace clonal lineages. By analyzing clonal imprints on the walls of colonic crypts, we show that human intestinal stem cells conform to one-dimensional neutral drift dynamics with a “functional” stem cell number of five to six in both normal patients and individuals with familial adenomatous polyposis (germline APC−/+). Furthermore, we show that, in adenomatous crypts (APC−/−), there is a proportionate increase in both functional stem cell number and the loss/replacement rate. Finally, by analyzing fields of mtDNA mutant crypts, we show that a normal colon crypt divides around once every 30–40 years, and the division rate is increased in adenomas by at least an order of magnitude. These data provide in vivo quantification of human intestinal stem cell and crypt dynamics.


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