
作者:Newsccm 來源: 重症危通社 日期:17-07-18



Recognizing Sepsis as a Global Health Priority — A WHO Resolution

Konrad Reinhart, M.D., Ron Daniels, M.D., Niranjan Kissoon, M.D., Flavia R. Machado, M.D., Ph.D., Raymond D. Schachter, L.L.B., and Simon Finfer, M.D.

June 28, 2017DOI: 10.1056/NEJMp1707170




“膿毒症”這個術語至少可以追溯到希波克拉底時代,希波克拉底認為它是肉體腐爛和傷口潰膿的過程。 最近,它被定義為由感染引起的危及生命的器官功能障礙。 盡管有這麼長的曆史,唐納森描述的寂寞嶺中早就存在敗膿毒症,並造成世界各地的無數患者過早死亡或麵臨長期殘疾。 這種不必要的痛苦使得德國在世衛組織執行委員會的一致支持下,並在全球膿毒症聯盟(GSA)的敦促下提交了為世界衛生大會通過的決議。 該決議敦促成員國和世衛組織總幹事采取具體行動,通過改進預防,診斷和治療來減輕膿毒症的負擔( 見表)

表1 降低膿毒症全球負擔的推薦措施

敗血症引起的真正疾病負擔仍然未知。 有係統評價報道,從公布的國家或地區人口推算出全球人口中目前每年約有3000萬例發病,600萬例死亡。 作者承認該結果可能會嚴重低估實際情況,這是因為占世界人口87%的中-低收入國家(LMIC)的數據是無法發現數據的, 因此,他們是根據高收入國家醫院治療敗血症的數據進行估算的。數據的缺乏是複雜的,在全球疾病負擔統計中膿毒症被視為“垃圾代碼”,其中大部分因膿毒症的死亡被歸類為由潛在感染引起的。 改進敗血症的編碼並在這些統計數據中建立適當的計量體係是世界衛生大會需要正視的重要步驟。

該決議還呼籲衛生保健工作者使用術語“膿毒症”與患者,親屬和其他方進行溝通,以提高對膿毒症的認知。全國性調查始終提示社區對膿毒症、其症狀和體征、原因以及死亡和殘疾負擔的低了解度。 在澳大利亞,隻有40%的被調查人員聽說過膿毒症,隻有14%的人可以命名其中的一個體征。 在巴西,數字甚至更低,2014年隻有7%的受訪者知曉,2017年為14%。在美國,英國和德國,高調的運動已證明“宣傳”是有效的,分別將知曉率提高到55%,62%和69%。

確保公眾和衛生保健工作者兩方麵更多的知曉是減少膿毒症全球負擔的關鍵一步。約70%的膿毒症病例是於社區獲得的,因為要想有效則適當的抗生素治療務必盡早,則教育人們不要拖延去尋求治療是防止不必要死亡和殘疾的關鍵。 從感染到膿毒症的進展可能是隱伏而不可預測的。盡管已知非常幼小,高齡和免疫抑製的人群處於高風險之下,應該對其針對性教育,但膿毒症可以隨時影響任何人,這意味著全國性公眾知曉計劃是需要的。


依據當地環境和可利用資源量身定做清晰的治療指南和實施目標也至關重要。這些方法如有效降低了死亡率則可以作為適應當地條件和使用的模板,這包括紐約州的“Rory‘s 條例( “Rory’s Regulations)’”,澳大利亞新南威爾斯州的“膿毒症殺滅(Sepsis Kills)”計劃,英國國家衛生服務機構的委任杠杆以及巴西的多元教育計劃。


世衛組織決議認識到快速使用抗生素治療敗血症與降低抗菌素耐藥性的努力之間的衝突。 減少膿毒症負擔的全球努力必須與降低抗菌素耐藥性的措施並行,並符合世界衛生組織批準的“抗生素耐藥性全球行動計劃”。 不過,膿毒症是最適合用廣譜抗生素經驗性治療的病症,隨後根據鑒定出的病原菌快速降階梯治療。

全球膿毒症聯盟(GSA)對“無膿毒症世界”願景的進展也需要認識到預防的關鍵作用。 可以通過疫苗接種;在家庭,學校和醫療機構中提供清潔飲水,下水道設施和手衛生(WASH); 清潔分娩和外科手術預防感染和膿毒症; ;衛生保健單位的手衛生已成為世衛組織計劃的重點。 膿毒症的新決議支持並加強了這些方案。

提高認識,及早在衛生保健機構就診或者及早發現醫療相關的膿毒症,快速使用合適的抗生素,以及根據當地情況製定的指南進行快速治療可顯著減少膿毒症的死亡。不過由於這些措施降低了高收入國家的病死率,膿毒症症幸存者所承擔的重大負擔已變得愈加清晰。膿毒症的後遺症可包括具有重要臨床意義的軀體,認知和心理殘疾,而這些情況經常無法識別和未經治療。在LMICs,膿毒症的出院後死亡率與院內膿毒症相關的死亡率大致相同,圍產期敗血症對母親和嬰兒構成巨大而持續的風險。 然而在世界各地,敗血症幸存者的協同服務基本上不存在。

The WHA resolution, with its implicit recognition of sepsis as a major threat to patient safety and global health, has the potential to save millions of lives. To realize this potential, the actions proposed in the resolution need to be taken. These actions require coordinated efforts by politicians, policymakers, health care administrators, researchers, and clinicians working with people of all ages in all health care settings and in the community. Actions will vary by region and country and must acknowledge the unique challenges faced by LMICs.

世界衛生大會(WHA)決議將膿毒症的隱性認知視為對患者安全和全球健康的重大威脅,決議有可能挽救數百萬人的生命。 為了實現這一潛力,需要采取決議提出的行動。 這些行動需要政治家,政策製定者,衛生保健行政人員,研究人員和在所有保健機構和社區中為所有年齡人士服務的臨床醫生們協調努力。行動將因地區和國家而異,並且必須承認LMIC麵臨的獨特挑戰。



The authors constitute the Executive Board of the Global Sepsis Alliance.


WHA adopts resolution on sepsis. Jena, Germany: Global Sepsis Alliance, May 26,2017



On Friday, May 26th, 2017, the World Health Assembly and the World Health Organization made sepsis a global health priority, by adopting a resolution to improve, prevent, diagnose, and manage sepsis. This marks a quantum leap(量子飛躍) in the global fight against sepsis.

Sepsis, commonly referred to as ‘blood poisoning’, is the life-threatening condition that arises when the body’s response to infection results in organ dysfunction or failure. Sepsis is often confused with other conditions in its early stages, with delayed recognition of the signs and symptoms quickly leading to multi-system organ failure and ultimately death.

The resolution urges the 194 United Nation Member States to implement appropriate measures to reduce the human and health economic burden of sepsis. In the USA alone, sepsis causes or contributes to half of all deaths in hospitals and has become the leading cause of annual hospitals costs, at over 24 billion USD per year.

The resolution also requests the Director-General of the WHO, Dr. Margaret Chan, to draw attention to the public health impact of sepsis and to

1) publish a report on sepsis and its global consequences by the end of 2018,

2) support the Member States adequately,

3) collaborate with other UN organizations, and

4) report to the 2020 WHA on the implementation of this resolution.





“Community-acquired and health care-acquired sepsis represent a huge global burden that has been estimated to be 31 million cases every year, six million of which result in death,” said Dr. Chan. “One in ten patients world-wide acquires one health care associated infection which often manifests itself with sepsis conditions. I commend the member states for the content of the resolution on sepsis which point to key actions that need to be taken to reverse these shocking statistics.”

The WHO has allocated $4.6 million USD to help implement their sepsis resolution(世界衛生組織撥出460萬美元用於幫助實施膿毒症解決方案。).

The adoption of sepsis as a global priority was initiated by the Global Sepsis Alliance who gathered the consensus and authority of clinicians and families from over 70 countries.

“Worldwide, sepsis is one of the most common deadly diseases, and it is one of the few conditions to strike with equal ferocity in resource-poor areas and in the developed world,” said Dr. Konrad Reinhart, Chairman of the Global Sepsis Alliance. “In the developed world, sepsis is dramatically increasing by an annual rate of 5-13 per cent over the last decade, and now claims more lives than bowel and breast cancer combined. When sepsis is quickly recognized and treated, lives are saved but health care providers need better training because they are the critical link to preventing, recognizing, and treating sepsis.”


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