
作者:佚名 來源:愛唯醫學網 日期:17-06-25

        For patients with early-stage esophageal cancer, undergoing chemotherapy and radiotherapy before surgical excision failed to improve the rate of curative resection and, most importantly, failed to boost survival in a phase III clinical trial, according to a report published online June 30 in the Journal of Clinical Oncology.

        一項Ⅲ期臨床試驗顯示,對於早期食管癌患者,在手術切除之前接受化療和放療並不能提高根治性切除率,而且最重要的是,不能改善生存率。這項研究於6月30日發表在《臨床腫瘤學雜誌》在線版上(J. Clin. Oncol.2014 June 30 [doi:10.1200/JCO.2013.53.6532])。

        Unfortunately this treatment strategy also tripled postoperative mortality, making the risk-benefit ratio even more lopsided for this patient population, said Dr. Christophe Mariette of the department of digestive and oncologic surgery, University Hospital Claude Huriez-Regional University Hospital Center, Lille (France), and his associates.

        法國裏昂Claude Huriez大學醫院消化與腫瘤外科的Christophe Mariette醫生指出,不幸的是,這種治療策略還使術後死亡率增加了2倍,從而使這一患者群的風險-獲益比率變得更加不平衡。

        Clinical trials examining neoadjuvantchemoradiotherapy for esophageal cancer have produced conflicting results, with some showing that the approach is effective, in some cases doubling median survival, while others showed no benefit. Most such studies have been limited by small sample sizes, heterogeneity of tumor types, variations in radiation doses and chemotherapy regiments, and differences in preoperative staging techniques and the adequacy of surgical resections.Moreover, the number of study participants with early-stage esophageal cancer has been very small because most patients already have more advanced disease at presentation, the investigators noted.


        For their study, Dr. Mariette and his associates confined the cohort to patients younger than 75 years with treatment-naive esophageal adenocarcinoma or squamous-cell carcinoma judged to be stage I or II using thoracoabdominal CT and endoscopic ultrasound; additional preoperative assessments using PET scanning, cervical ultrasound, or radionuclide bone scanning were optional.


        It required 9 years to enroll 195 patients at 30 French medical centers. These study participants were randomly assigned to receive either neoadjuvant chemotherapy plus radiotherapy before potentially curative surgery (98 subjects) or potentially curative surgery alone (97 subjects).


        In the intervention group, radiotherapy involved a total dose of 45 Gy delivered in 25 fractions over the course of 5 weeks. Chemotherapy was administered during the same time period and involved two cycles of fluorouracil and cisplatin infusions. All patients in this group were clinically reevaluated 2-4 weeks after completing this regimen, and surgery was performed soon afterward.

        在幹預組中,放療總劑量為45 Gy,分25次在5周內完成。在同一時間內給予化療,包括2個周期的氟尿嘧啶和順鉑輸注。幹預組所有患者均在完成治療後2~4周時再次接受評估,繼而實施手術。

        Surgery comprised a transthoracic esophagectomy with extended two-field lymphadenectomy and either high intrathoracic anastomosis (for tumors with an infra carinal proximal margin) or cervical anastomosis (for tumors with a proximal margin above the carina).


        Median follow-up was 7.8 years. There were 125 deaths: 62.4% of the intervention group died, as did 66% of the surgery-only group, a nonsignificant difference, the investigators said (J. Clin. Oncol.2014 June 30 [doi:10.1200/JCO.2013.53.6532]). Median overall survival was 31.8 months in the intervention group and 41.2 months in the surgery-only group, a nonsignificant difference. Similarly, 3-year overall survival was 47.5% and 5-year overall survival was 41.1% in the intervention group, compared with 53% and 33.8%, respectively, in the surgery-only group, which were also nonsignificant differences.


        The rate of curative resection also was not significantly different between the intervention group (93.8%) and the surgery-only group (92.1%), indicating that reducing the tumor with chemotherapy and radiotherapy had no beneficial effect in these early-stage cancers. Previous studies have demonstrated that such downsizing is effective in more advanced esophageal cancers, Dr. Mariette and his associates noted.

        幹預組和單純手術組的根治性切除率也無顯著差異(93.8% vs. 92.1%),表明化療和放療對這些早期腫瘤沒有益處。既往研究已經表明,此類減瘤治療在更晚期的食管癌中更有效。

        Postoperative mortality was more than threefold higher among patients who underwent preoperative chemoradiotherapy (11.1%) than in the surgery-only group (3.4%). The causes of postoperative death included aortic rupture, uncontrollable chylothorax, anastomotic leak, gastric conduit necrosis, mesenteric and lower limb ischemia, and acute RDS in the intervention group, compared with pneumonia and acute RDS in the surgery-only group.

        接受術前化放療的患者的術後死亡率,是單純接受手術的患者的3倍以上(11.1% vs. 3.4%)。幹預組患者的術後死亡原因包括主動脈破裂、無法控製的乳糜胸、吻合口漏、胃導管壞死、腸係膜和下肢缺血,以及急性RDS,而單純手術組患者的術後死亡原因為肺炎和急性RDS。

        These findings suggest that preoperative chemoradiotherapy "is not the appropriate neoadjuvant therapeutic strategy for stage I or II esophageal cancer," the investigators said.


Commentary – Try definitive, not adjuvant, chemoradiotherapy


        Dr. Brian G. Czito, Dr. ManishaPalta, and Dr. Christopher G. Willett comment: This study was supported by the French National Cancer Institute’s ProgrammeHospitalier pour la RechercheClinque and Lille University Hospital; it received no commercial support. Dr. Mariette reported no financial conflicts of interest; one of his associates reported ties to Roche and Merck.


        Since patients with early-stage esophageal cancer don’t appear to benefit from preoperative neoadjuvantchemoradiotherapy, perhaps it is time to consider a different approach: definitive rather than neoadjuvantchemoradiotherapy as the first-line treatment, said Dr. Czito, Dr. Palta, and Dr. Willett.

        杜克癌症研究所腫瘤放療科的Brian G. czito醫生、ManishaPalta醫生和Christopher G. Willett醫生評論指出,鑒於早期食管癌患者似乎不能從術前新輔助化放療中獲益,也許是時候考慮其他方法了:將決定性而非新輔助化放療作為一線治療。

        Some medical centers have already adopted this approach for patients with potentially curable esophageal cancer, reserving surgery as salvage treatment. Compared with surgery as first-line treatment, definitive chemoradiotherapy is associated with a lower rate of treatment-related mortality and similar survival outcomes, they noted.


        Dr. Czito, Dr. Palta, and Dr. Willett are in the department of radiation oncology at Duke Cancer Institute, Durham, N.C. They reported no financial conflicts of interest. These remarks were taken from their editorial accompanying Dr. Mariette’s report(J. Clin. Oncol.2014 June 30 [doi:10.1200/JCO.2013.53.6532]).

        Czito醫生、Palta醫生和Willett醫生報告稱無相關利益衝突(J. Clin. Oncol.2014 June 30 [doi:10.1200/JCO.2013.53.6532])。


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