
作者:佚名 來源:生物穀 日期:16-08-08

      在第68屆美國臨床化學年會暨臨床實驗室醫療設備博覽會(AACC Annual Meeting and Clinical Lab Expo)上,來自新加坡基因測序公司Vela Diagnostics的研究人員推出了全球首個檢測HIV藥物耐藥性突變的新一代測序技術,該技術在幫助臨床醫生優化HIV治療體係上扮演著重要的作用,同時其還可以幫助科學家們主動出擊,最大化地減少全球抗逆轉錄病毒藥物耐受性流行的發展。



  來自Vela Diagnostics公司的研究者Gerd Michel及其同事就像填補這片空白,為此他們開發出了首個測定HIV藥物耐受性突變的新一代測序技術,這種名為Sentosa SQ HIV-1的基因分型技術將自動樣品處理、軟件分析及結果報告等過程整合成了一個完整的工作站模式,為了評估Sentosa的工作效率,研究者將其同基於桑格測序法的TruGene HIV-1基因分型檢測盒方法進行比較(當然後者目前已經不再市場上銷售了),在兩種測試方法中,研究者對HIV-1病人的111份血液樣本進行檢測,分析病毒蛋白水解酶基因和反轉錄酶基因的突變情況,這兩個基因是藥物耐受性檢測中被主要分析的基因。


  研究者Michel說道,據我們所知,目前沒有人能夠開發出這樣的檢測技術,如今我們有幾乎開發出可以快速檢測HIV藥物耐受性突變的新技術,這對於未來對HIV感染患者進行快速、及時有效的治療或許非常重要;下一步Vela Diagnostics公司計劃在今年夏季同選擇的合作者共享該測試技術,並計劃在9月份獲得CE標誌認證。


  First next-generation sequencing test for HIV drug resistance could help combat AIDS worldwide

  Research announced today at the 68th AACC Annual Scientific Meeting &Clinical Lab Expo demonstrates that a first-of-its-kind next-generation sequencing test can detect HIV drug resistance mutations that conventional tests fail to identify. This test could play a critical role in helping clinicians to optimize HIV treatment regimens, while also helping public health initiatives to minimize the development of global resistance to antiretroviral drugs.

  The use of antiretroviral therapy to treat HIV has skyrocketed over the past decade as part of worldwide efforts to end AIDS as a public health threat. According to the World Health Organization, however, a concurrent increase in HIV drug resistance could undermine these efforts by compromising the ability of antiretroviral drugs to suppress HIV and stop its progression to AIDS. Testing for HIV drug resistance is key to ensuring that patients receive effective treatment and that public health initiatives have the information needed to manage antiretroviral drug resistance. However, almost all genetic sequencing tests for HIV drug resistance mutations are currently off the market. The only remaining commercial sequencing test dates from the early 2000s and is based on Sanger sequencing, an older technology that is expensive, can take 1-2 weeks to produce results, and has low sensitivity for drug resistance mutations that occur at a frequency below 15-20%.





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