
作者: 來源:譯言網 日期:12-05-03


A healthful diet rich in leafy vegetables, beneficial fatty acids, and protein is certainly crucial if you want to create and maintain a gorgeous complexion. After all, a healthy, well-balanced inside often yields a beautiful outside. But if you struggle with chronic acne—either adult breakouts or the time-honored trials of teenage skin—the unsatisfying truth is that despite numerous studies, the jury is technically still out as to whether diet can trigger chronic breakouts. Acne is largely caused by hormones, yet cautionary tales about how certain foods yield breakouts stubbornly persist. Read on to find out which “acne-causing foods” can be dismissed as the stuff of myth and which are true acne culprits.


  如果你想擁有動人、富含蛋白膠原的完美皮膚,一個有益於健康的飲食——大量的蔬菜和有益脂肪酸是必備的。因為身體內部的健康和營養均衡,會投射到身體表麵。無論你長期和痤瘡進行鬥爭——成年型爆發痤瘡或是從少年時期一直沒有痊愈,雖然有很多研究,但是卻無法表明飲食是否會導致慢性痤瘡爆發。痤瘡主要是由荷爾蒙產生,一些人卻堅持著某些食物會導致痤瘡的爆發。繼續閱讀這篇文章,你將會找到食物和痤瘡的關係—— 哪些是真凶,哪些則是被冤枉的。

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Cheesy pizza, oily potato chips, french fries, and juicy cheeseburgers won’t give you pimples. This myth began because people once thought that fatty foods must cause acne since they contain oil, and sebaceous oil causes acne. The problem with that logic is that the oil in food has absolutely no relationship to the sebum on your skin, and the only way that pizza could directly cause acne is if you rubbed it on your face.



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Diana McShane, a dermatologist at Duke University, says, “Chocolate has been implicated in the role of acne for decades without any convincing data to support or refute this theory.” Several studies have found no relationship between chocolate and acne, but somehow none have been conclusive enough to officially close the book, so the misconception continues. Still, most medical professionals agree that it’s an old wives’ tale.

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