【ASTRO 2015】年會亮點:主席專場

作者:壹生 來源:壹生 日期:15-10-30



        本次年會主席專場將圍繞“食管癌與直腸癌的多學科協作(MDT)”的主題,對這兩種癌症的MDT方法進行研討。會議討論內容涵蓋了上、下消化道癌症的正電子發射型計算機斷層顯像(PET)和CT成像,診斷分期和切除方式,基因組學、數據分析實踐,以及放化療及手術治療等內容。會議由Leonard L. Gunderson博士(MD,MS,FASTRO)和 Joel E. Tepper博士(MD,FASTRO)主持。他們集結了來自歐洲與美國的胃腸病專家,胃腸醫療專家,外科專家及放射腫瘤學家,組成了本次大會的全明星陣容。他們將和這些專家一起在會議上回顧目前的癌症治療方法,並放眼展望將來可能行之有效的治療手段。

        主席專場日程:Sunday, October 18, 2015

        8:05 a.m. - 9:35 a.m. Presidential Symposium Session I

        GI Cancer – Imaging, Staging, Genomics, Data Mining Approaches

        Moderators: Leonard L. Gunderson (MD, MS, FASTRO), Joel Tepper (MD, FASTRO)


        PET/CT Imaging - UGI and LGI Cancers: Robert C. Murphy (MD, PhD)

        Endoscopic Approaches for Staging and Resection: Charles Lightdale (MD)

        Genomics - Esophagus/Gastric/Rectal: Adam Bass (MD)

        GI Cancer - Data Mining Approaches: Vincenzo Valentini (MD)

        Discussion/Q and A

        9:50 a.m. - 11:02 a.m.Presidential Symposium Session II

        Esophagus/EG Junction Cancer

        Moderators: Leonard L. Gunderson (MD, MS, FASTRO), Joel Tepper (MD, FASTRO)


        Chemoradiation - Preoperative vs Primary/Definitive: Karyn A. Goodman (MD)

        Surgery - Planned vs Salvage Treatment: Stephen G. Swisher (MD)

        Chemotherapy - Peri-op, Pre-op or Post-op: Steven R. Alberts (MD)

        Discussion/Q and A

        11:02 a.m. - 12:15 p.m.Presidential Symposium Session III

        Colorectal Cancer

        Moderators: Leonard L. Gunderson (MD, MS, FASTRO), Joel Tepper (MD, FASTRO)


        Chemoradiation - Pre-op vs Post-op vs Primary/Definitive: Claus Rödel (MD)

        Surgery - Unresectable/Recurrent Rectal Cancer: José G. Guillem (MD)

        Chemotherapy - Neoadjuvantvs Adjuvant; Systemic: Richard M. Goldberg (MD)

        Discussion/Q and A


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